Armont de Bayle
Baron of House de Bayle

Common Knowledge & History

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Name | Armont Wordon de Bayle |
Gender | Male |
Nationality | Ishgardian |
Age | 37 |
Marital Status | Single |
Alignment | Lawful Neutral |
Occupation | Noble & Knight Captain |
Former Occupation | Knights Dragoon |
Early Life
The eldest of four siblings and born into a war-torn nation, Armont's upbringing was well cultivated to become the Head of House as his father had done and his father's father before him. To this, Armont's youth was afforded little time for joy, less time for festives, as the father took every means to train the eldest child to become a knight of Ishgard first and foremost, while their mother instilled the values of their family and how one should conduct themselves within the presence of formal persons. This upbringing aided crucially in Armont's ability to hold his own when he was left to his own devices later on during his knightly trails and much later after many events unfolded, his eventual acceptance and approval within the Order of the Knights Dragoon.Where the father built a foundation for his children, Armont only ever strived to excel past expectation time after time.It was not until death wreaked havoc on their minor house, would the family see their true mettle tested. The Dravanian Horde in one of their attacks laid low both parents to the four, and thus sent ashes over the once prideful family. To this, those remaining of House de Bayle managed by on savings for some turns longer until they were left without a means to hold their lands, to hold their estates within Ishgard. During this time House de Bayle was nearly seen as fully collapsed, and Armont had been fully engrossed with his tasks as a knight and now the eldest in line to take the mantle as Head of House, took to all means necessary to secure funds, backing, and approval from Ishgard.

The House Reborn
The turns that followed were filled with loss, life, and a renewed vigor for Ishgard as the Thousand Year War had finally come to a close. Armont near it's end, resided as the Head of House, prideful as always, arrogant in it to some as the ways of old was still freshly branded the heart. Perhaps this would be for the better, to retain this essence of old, though the efforts dedicated to thinking on such were soon washed away as Ishgard, now returned to the Grand Alliance, heeded the call of her sister-states.Where one war ended, another would be sparked not long after. House Fortemps, to whom House de Bayle served under, heeded this call to arms. Ever was theirs a house to bear arms, as countless others, thus without hesitation those of it took to blade once more, ever and always for Ishgard as she called for a needs of the liberation of Ala Mhigo. City-states gathered, leaders selected and of those leading it's efforts for Ishgard, Armont was selected as one of her commanding officers. To this, under a steady hand and mind well seasoned of war, those of Ishgard and of House de Bayle pressed ever forward into a land not seen by many of their kin. Hostile conditions had become a normality within their domain of Coerthas, though the fighting within Gyr Abania still held it's rightful setbacks, hurdles to which those of their shining city had to overcome.The long turn of this new-found war brought forth an ultimate victory, though at the costs of one of their own, Guillemont de Bayle. The middle brother, twin to Astrelle, became an assumed casualty to it's fighting, and marked a series of setbacks to fall upon the house's leadership, notably those of it's bloodline. This series of setbacks in addition to Armont's own failures, aided in the momentum forward to grind to a near halt soon later. A house reborn from the brink of ruin, now teetered on the brink of collapse once more.
A New Dawn
The holds of House de Bayle would forever remain stagnant after this recent falling. By Armont's hand alone did he shuffle coin gained from unknown sources to keep their estate afloat, yet in this constant reminder, the man looked inward to whom remained. What few hands still played part in their machinations were those of blood, and what few associates lingered, loyal. An entire existance dedicated towards leadership, nobility, dedicated to that of Ishgard, and through it all Armont had felt his failure only grow. Seeds of doubt planted in mind, warping the boundry of right and wrong, law and lawless. If he could not conform to the liking of the outside, to the ushering of change within Ishgard, so be it.A quarter turn dedicated to securing assets, once more unknown. Another dedicated towards rebolstering his houses's name. A final quarter given to thoughts, allowing them to roam free over possibilites of pushing past this obsticle posed before the man. It was only until he looked inwards towards those of kin did he find his answer.Astrelle & Denzel.The first offer was to Astrelle, she being the most similar to Armont in demeanor, yet holding an open mind enough as to branch out assets and influence. The second option, the final option, Denzel. While certainly not the shadow of himself nor his father, Denz held a charm in his time as a Knight-Errant and had earned the respect from those holding hearth far from their dominion of Coerthas. While perhaps not an easy choice between the two, the latter was forced at the former's deny. Having mustered the time, the resources and gathered those whom held similar mindset, Armont and few other's called for meeting with Denz. At it's end, Armont offered the position of Head of House to his youngest sibling.For better or worse, the mantle now rested on Denz as Head of House de Bayle.Ever will the hands of the eldest be at work. Ever will they be for Ishgard.
Ever will they guide, knowingly or not.
All serve a purpose, in the end.

Appearance & Mannerisms
To any whom set eye on Armont for the first time, be it at a glance or in conversation would easily be met with a singular hue of skyward blue, tired, slow rolling towards it's next target. Across from it bears a metal plated eyepatch, one which conceals his left and is adorned by a series of ages old scars. Three to mark the eye by dragon claw, each scar-white strip sunk into flesh from forehead to upper cheek. This marked one of many scars the man holds on himself, though it being the most visible and notable he bears. Looking lower shows a large burn mark at his neck, it most often covered by collar or concealed by chainmail, but upper portions still seen reaching upwards at his lower jawline on the side. There is no care to cover these scars of war, no care to show them. His attire in it's essence, no matter what cut of cloth worn be it formal or not, most often than not, is fitted to form, collared, kept clean, crisp and well adorned by silver over gold. In most instances the color of attire is favored to be darker greys, blacks, the occasional deep blue hue that blends well with the aforementioned.Armont himself is most often experienced as abrasive, dour, or outright dismissive towards the occasional few whom conduct themselves poorly around him. In cases to where others are well put together, Armont will only conduct himself to match the tone of the room, often sharing tale of his time in Ishgard, business and greeting others casually, albeit nearly always briefly. To those whom take to banter or pose themselves poorly, expect short tolerance and shorter stay before the man either carries on or leaves the situation.

OOC Information
Data Center | CrystalTimezone | CST / GMT-4Discord | Available upon requestHello and thank you for reading over the material composed on the carrd! Armont is my main character for RP interactions and easily the most developed through player interaction and story plotlines throughout the near decade I have been writing for him. I am fine with most settings (Dark/Mature/SoL) and always looking for more contacts to throw the character at.A note on carrd:
This carrd is not intended to give a fully detailed background on the character, his full history, nor in-depth insight on the dealings of the character. Interactions are what drive the character forward, and I would vastly prefer to have his story and personality unfold via player interaction. This being said, if you wish for your character/s to hold some form of preset information on the character, I am more than happy to work out details of such.Thanks!